For a school magazine targetted towards a younger audience, the long shot of the children jumping is suitable as it connotes fun, therefore fulfills its purpose. My music magazine also fulfills its purpose in terms of using a suitable image; the medium close-up provides a closer relationship between the viewer and the woman on the front. This makes it attractive for my reader. In terms of photographic composition I was fairly confident after my preliminary task that I understood what photograph was suitable for an acoustic magazine.
The contents page for the school magazine was far too empty and unconventional; there are not enough pictures and text, the guttering and kerning are not conventional of magazines and the fonts are not suitable for a younger audience. This showed, that I really needed to work on InDesign and develop my typography skills in order to create a conventional magazine. I feel that I effectively corrected these errors on my music magazine. I have used conventional guttering and kerning so that the blocks of text are quite narrow; short and snappy. The fonts suit the style of magazine and the layout is much more appealing. Each section has been clearly broken up into sections and there is a good balance between pictures and writing.
Overall, the preliminary task proved that I needed develop my skills in InDesign and research the traditional conventions of magazines and I feel that I have been able to fulfill this in order to achieve a professional looking magazine, well suited to my audience.
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